Brevity is the Soul of Apathetically #10: NSFW (Not Safe Family Weirding!)

It has become our tradition to make our completely oversized Thanksgiving turkey the day after Thanksgiving. The first two of the past three years, this was because we forgot to buy a disposable roasting pan, or we forgot to start defrosting the turkey. Now, though, we have simply accepted that we actually enjoy having a … Continue reading Brevity is the Soul of Apathetically #10: NSFW (Not Safe Family Weirding!)

Subway Sociology #9: The Wheels on the Bus Don’t Go Round

All the conditions were right for a repeat of our apartment-hunting bus experience. It had again been raining. We had again accidentally attempted to take a shuttle bus that was replacing regular train service during a major popular event (in this case sportsball instead of a concert) that had filled each shuttle bus to max … Continue reading Subway Sociology #9: The Wheels on the Bus Don’t Go Round

Imitation is the Sincerest Form of A$$hole-ery

Beckie of Beckie's Mental Mess, Ashley of Mental Health @ Home and Fandango of This, That and The Other (which is a new blog to me, I guess proving that even the most ridiculous of circumstances can expand a fellow blogger's audience?) have all posted recently about plagiarizing...well, pretty much everyone's blogs. They are … Continue reading Imitation is the Sincerest Form of A$$hole-ery